Logo Kanton St.Gallen
Publiziert am 10.02.2021 14:12 im Bereich Staatsarchiv

What is special about the Canton of St. Gallen
What are its key characteristics?
How does St. Gallen differ from other cantons?

Three research archivists, Martin Jäger, Patric Schnitzer and Regula Zürcher, carried out extensive investigations to answer these questions. Informed by their long-standing work with historical cantonal sources and enriched by many helpful discussions with representatives of state bodies and researchers, the trio from the St. Gallen State Archive has in-depth knowledge of the past and present of the canton of St. Gallen. Their task was to compile, critically examine, extend and supplement this knowledge. The assignment was not to write an academic analysis in response to the research questions. Instead, it was to draw up a short profile of the canton. The “archive detectives” also had to rely on reputable external experts so that they could subject the results to a critical review. They found the ideal candidates in Peter Stahlberger, journalist and historian in St. Gallen, and Nicolo Paganini, OLMA director and member of the National Council. I would like to thank these individuals for their valuable knowledge and support.

The brochure, published by Kunstverlag Josef Fink, can be obtained either from bookstores or, free of charge, directly at the reception desk of the State Archive.